710.1012 Washington/70
The Minister in Nicaragua (Eberhardt) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 22.]
Sir: In response to the Department’s instruction No. 346 of April 14, 1928,87 regarding the proposed Conference of Conciliation and Arbitration which is to meet in Washington in December of this year, I have the honor to report that President Diaz states that the suggestions of the Department are entirely acceptable to his Government and that two delegates to the Conference referred to will be appointed in due course.
The Gondra Treaty was submitted to the Congress by Dr. Cuadra Pasos, at that time Minister for Foreign Affairs, immediately after his return from the Havana Conference. The Congress did not however act upon the treaty before its adjournment, and there will probably be no opportunity for its ratification until after December 15, when the next regular session convenes.
[Page 632]I have discussed informally with the President the attitude of the Nicaraguan Government on the question of arbitration and conciliation, but I have been unable to learn that either he or the Ministry for Foreign Affairs have any very definite ideas on this subject. It is my impression that the present administration would follow the lead of the United States Government in any policy which the latter might adopt. It must be remembered, however, that a new administration will come into office on January 1, while the Conference will presumably still be in session, and that it is impossible to prophesy at this time what the attitude of the new president will be.
I have [etc.]