511.4 A 2a/2: Telegram
The Minister in Switzerland (Wilson) to the Secretary of State
[Received 12:34 p.m.]
89. Following note, dated September 5, received from Sir Eric Drummond:77
“I have the honor to inform you that the Council of the League of Nations at a meeting held on August 31, 1928, took note of the fact that the Geneva Opium Convention of February 19, 1925,78 will come into force on the 25th of this month. The Council agreed to determine at its next session, towards the end of September, the question of the procedure to be adopted with regard to the appointment of the Permanent Central Board provided for under article 19 of the Convention, and to appoint the board at its subsequent (53d) session.
In conformity with the terms of article 19 of the Convention the Council decided at the same time to invite the United States of America to nominate a person to participate in the appointment of the Permanent Central Board. In accordance with the instructions of the Council I have the honor to convey this invitation to your Government. I have the honor to inform you further of the desire of the Council that the Government of the United States of America if it so wishes should take full part in the settlement of the procedure for appointing the Permanent Central Board. The Council would cordially welcome any views which the United States might wish to express on this matter, either by written communication or through a representative who should take part in the Council’s discussion on the question.”