
The American Ambassador (Hammond) to the Spanish Minister of State for Foreign Affairs (Estella)58

No. 371

Excellency: In view of the expiration on November 27th next of the six months term set by his Majesty’s Decree of June 27th [May 25th] last, granting unconditional most favored nation treatment to American products in Spain, and pending the conclusion of a definite commercial agreement between our two countries, I have the honor, under instructions from my Government, to propose to that of His Majesty an indefinite extension, subject, of course, to denunciation on due notice (say three months), of the regime at present obtaining under the Royal Decree above mentioned.

It is the intention of my Government to make a full and considered reply to Your Excellency’s note of August 31st last,59 dealing with each of the eight articles therein mentioned as affording ground for Spanish complaint. However, the preparation of this note must await the return to the United States of Dr. Kisliuk, the extension of whose mission at Your Excellency’s request to include the Canary Islands, will make it impossible to reply to your note above mentioned before the expiration of the modus vivendi on November 27th next. It would, therefore, seem desirable from the point of view of both countries that the present regime be extended as above suggested, in harmony with the views which Your Excellency expressed to me during our interview on this subject at Santander on the 17th of [Page 732] August last. This would seem the more desirable in order that the Spanish complaints may be considered without prejudice and in order that business between the two countries may no longer be hampered by the present uncertainty.

I avail myself [etc.]

Ogden H. Hammond
  1. Copy transmitted to the Department by the Ambassador in Spain as an enclosure to his despatch No. 588, Oct. 28, 1927; received Nov. 15.
  2. Not printed. For substance, see Spanish note, infra.