361.1121 Kudrasheff, Alexander
The Minister in Norway (Swenson) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 24, 1927.]
Sir: Referring to the Department’s instruction No. 298 of August 26, 1926, and to my despatch No. 903 dated November 22, 1926, with regard to the American citizens Kudrasheff, Chevalier, and Kopman, imprisoned in Soviet Russia, I have the honor to report that I am in receipt of the following note from the Norwegian Foreign Office in this matter:
Oslo, December 22, 1926.
Royal Foreign Office
The Undersecretary.
Mr. Minister:
With reference to my note of the eighteenth ultimo regarding the three American citizens Kudrasheff, Chevalier, and Kopman, who are imprisoned in Soviet Russia, I have the honor to advise that the Legation in Moscow has privately ascertained that Julius Chevalier has been released and has either already left Soviet Russian territory or will leave in the very near future. An attempt was made to send him out via Latvia, but the Lettish border authorities placed difficulties in the way of this, and therefore it was necessary to send him another way without the Legation hearing by which route. But the case of the man in question is presumably in order.
As for the other two, Kudrasheff and Kopman, it appeared certain that they were Russian subjects, so no information regarding them could be given to the Legation in Moscow.
Accept, Mr. Minister, the assurance of my distinguished consideration.
(signed) Aug. Esmarch
An appropriate expression of thanks for the interest shown and assistance rendered in this case by the Norwegian Government has been made to the Foreign Office.
I have [etc.]