868.51 War Credits/467: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Greece (Skinner)


16. Your telegram No. 21, April 9, 1 p.m. Inform Minister of Foreign Affairs immediately as follows:

The American Government expects Greece to show it no less consideration regarding debt settlement than has been shown to the British Government.
The American Government will not regard favorably any flotation in the United States of a loan for Greece until a settlement of the debt has been effected.

With respect to the second point you should inform the Minister of Foreign Affairs that Speyer & Co. have approached the Department concerning their participation with the Hambros Bank in a loan to the Greek Government of about 12,000,000 pounds, apparently in connection with the settlement of the Greek debt to Great Britain, and you should state that it is the intention of the Department to answer Speyer & Co. in conformity with point 2.
