
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Persia (Philip)

No. 530

Sir: Adverting to the Department’s instruction No. 528 of January 10, 1927 enclosing for your information a copy of the remarks made on December 7, 1926 by Davoud Khan Meftah and by the President on the occasion of the presentation of Mr. Meftah’s letters of credence as Minister of Persia at Washington, there is quoted hereinafter a statement made by the Secretary on January 1, 1927 with regard to the activities of the American Financial Mission in Persia. “The activities of the American Financial Mission in Persia under the able leadership of Dr. Millspaugh have been noted by the Department with interest and satisfaction.”

The above statement was contained in a brief report made by the Secretary in reviewing the work and accomplishments of the Department of State during the past year. This report was published in the New York Times of January 1, 1927 together with similar reports of other Cabinet officers of this Government.

It is believed that a knowledge in Teheran of the attitude of the Department as set forth in the present statement of the Secretary may prove helpful to you in rendering informal assistance to Dr. Millspaugh in difficulties which may arise in connection with the work of his mission.

I am [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
Leland Harrison