211f.37 C 88/1

The Secretary of State to the Panaman Minister (Alfaro)

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of May 3, 1927, in which you advise me of the action taken by the authorities of the Panama Canal upon an application made by the Government of Cuba for the provisional arrest and detention of one [Page 520] Luis Calcaño Crossa, with a view to his extradition. You add that your Government has presented a formal protest to the Government of the Republic of Cuba on the ground that its conduct in this matter “has encroached upon the sovereignty of Panama and its international individuality”. Furthermore, you state that your Government adheres to the opinion set forth in your notes to this Department under dates of May 24, June 25 and September 6, 1923, in regard to proceedings taken upon the request of the Government of Chile for the extradition from the Canal Zone of persons charged with murder in Chile, and that you have consequently been instructed to enter a protest with this Department against the proceedings in the instant case.

In reply I beg to state that this Government adheres to the views expressed in its notes to you of June 12, July 7, and October 13, 1923,36 which were sent in reply to the notes above mentioned.

Accept [etc.]

Frank B. Kellogg