711.1711/1: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Nicaragua (Eberhardt)
47. Legation’s telegram number 55 dated February 25, noon. You should exercise every precaution not to encourage the Government of Nicaragua or the members of either political party in the belief that there is any likelihood that a treaty of that description will be acceptable to the Government of the United States. Even if the Department of State favored such a treaty, and no assurance can be given on this point, it is extremely doubtful if the Senate would give [Page 478] its consent to ratification. According to the understanding of the Department, President Diaz originated the idea of this treaty and submitted it to you on his own initiative. Should the Department find it necessary to decline to commence negotiations with a view to signing a treaty such as President Diaz appears to have in mind, it desires to avoid any possible charges in the future that President Diaz was misled or deceived regarding its views.