817.00/5027: Telegram
The Minister in Nicaragua (Eberhardt) to the Secretary of State
[Received 11:50 p.m.]
237. The Government has ordered the expulsion from Nicaragua of J. Ramon Telles, one of Moncada’s generals, who was chief of police of Ocotal at the time of Sandino’s attack and who was suspected by the marines of foreknowledge of, if not connivance in, the attack. Two weeks ago Moncada informed me that three suspected agents of Sandino were here possibly plotting attack on himself, Diaz or myself. This led to the [belief?] that Telles was sending supplies to and conducting propaganda on behalf of Sandino. Moncada did not know that a Liberal of such importance would be implicated. Colonel Gulick considers the evidence of Telles guilt conclusive.
When originally arrested Telles violated his parole but later surrendered and is now being held by the marines until the arrival of a steamer. Although Moncada informed me that he approved the action taken if the facts were as stated, some of the Liberal newspapers are protesting, probably at Moncada’s instigation.