668.113C.P./7: Telegram
The Minister in Greece (Skinner) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 11—4:48 p.m.]
10. Department’s 9. Protests against higher rates on wheat and flour mentioned in my number 7 of March 5 have resulted in withdrawal of these rates as to flour afloat and on order prior to March 2 and instead application of increase from six and one quarter drachma to eight and a half. Wheat however is held liable in all cases to the new rate of eight and a half. I am now insisting on complete release from new duties both of wheat and flour as to goods afloat and on order before March 2d. While no discrimination against American products apparent, nevertheless the Legislative bill pending relative to foregoing also provides that on its passage no wheat may be imported of specific weight of less than 78 kilograms per hectoliter and containing more than 2 percentage of the foreign substances. Please inform me whether this prohibition would affect importations of American wheat and if so suggest appropriate representations.