
The Acting Secretary of State to the British Ambassador (Howard)

Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency’s note No. 141, of February 23, 1927, informing me that His Majesty’s Government has reluctantly decided to send a man-of-war to the west coast of Nicaragua, and that H. M. S. Colombo is being despatched to Corinto. I note that His Majesty’s Government feels that the presence of a war vessel may have a moral effect and will be a base of refuge for British subjects. I have further noted that it is not [Page 315] intended to land forces and that the commanding officer will be instructed accordingly.

It gives me pleasure to repeat the assurances conveyed to Your Excellency in my note of February 24, that the American armed forces now in Nicaragua will continue to extend protection to British subjects in that country.

Accept [etc.]

Joseph C. Grew