
The Spanish Chargé (Amoedo) to the Secretary of State

No. 72–11

Mr. Secretary: Your Excellency will no doubt remember that during the course of the visit which the Ambassador of his Catholic Majesty at Washington had the honor to pay you on the 20th of May of this year the question was discussed of the possibility that the United States Government would accede to the legitimate demands of Spain, not only with regard to the levying of certain taxes on American subjects and proteges residing in the Zone of the Spanish [Page 273] protectorate in Morocco, but would accede also to the official recognition of our protectorate in Morocco by the United States Government, and Your Excellency having said that the first step necessary was that His Majesty’s Government should settle certain claims of American citizens and proteges connected with Spanish Morocco, I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that His Majesty’s Government is ready to study in the spirit of the broadest good will the claims above mentioned. Wherefore it wishes that they be stated anew and in a concrete manner, together with the latest views of the Government of the United States, so that it may study them and arrive at an early decision in the matter.

I avail myself [etc.]

Mariano Amoedo