The Ambassador in Mexico (Sheffield) to the Secretary of State
Mexico, March 23,
[Received March 31.]
No. 3853
Sir: Referring to my telegram No. 117 of March
21, 1927, seven P.M.,53
relating to the denunciation by the United States Government of the
Smuggling Treaty with Mexico, I have the honor to transmit herewith a
copy of the note which I delivered to the Mexican Foreign Office on that
date53 in compliance
with the Department’s telegraphic instructions, as well as a copy of
note No. 5268 from the Secretary of Foreign Relations, dated March 22,
1927, in reply thereto, together with a translation. A translation of
the latter note was also sent to the Department in my telegram No. 120
of March 23, 1927, 12 noon.53
I have [etc.]
The Mexican Minister for Foreign Affairs
to the American Ambassador (Sheffield)
Mexico, March 22,
No. 5268
Mr. Ambassador: I refer to Your
Excellency’s courteous note No. 1850 of the 21st of this month, in
which, by instructions from your Government and in the name of the
United States of America, you give the official notification to the
Government of the United Mexican States referred to in article 15 of
the convention to prevent smuggling into the respective territories
of the two countries of articles the importation of which is
prohibited by law, and for other objects, signed at Washington
December 23, 1925, terminating in consequence the operation of the
said Convention in accordance with its terms on March 28, 1927.
In reply I state to Your Excellency that in accordance with the
provisions of the said article 15, the Mexican Government takes note
of the above-mentioned notification and considers terminated the
operation of the said convention as of March 28, 1927.
I renew [etc.]