The High Commissioner in Haiti (Russell) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 25.]
Sir: I have the honor to inform the Department that the British Government has appealed, through diplomatic channels to the Haitian Government, from decisions of the Claims Commission in three cases involving the claims of British subjects for destruction of property during revolutions in Haiti.
It appears that the Claims Commission established a policy of disallowing all claims based on destruction of property by revolutionary troops. This policy, while adhered to by the Commission, was not the unanimous opinion of the Commission.
I cannot help but believe that foreigners living in Haiti should be compensated for damages caused by successful revolutionists. However, as Judge Richard U. Strong, my Legal Adviser, states in the attached memorandum,26 all foreigners should be treated alike in this respect and unquestionably favorable action by the Haitian State on the British claims would open the way for many other foreign claims.
I have [etc.]
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