611.5131/556: Telegram

The Chargé in France (Gordon) to the Secretary of State

341. My 339, September 8, 10 a.m.63 Pressed matter again vigorously at Foreign Office this afternoon. In conclusion I suggested concretely that either by decree or ministerial regulation the application of new general tariff to American goods be suspended for a given length of time sufficient to enable negotiations to be consummated. I pointed out that for France to get the maximum benefit from such a step it should be taken at once before public dissatisfaction at home would gather greater momentum. Beaumarchais64 said he agreed to this and promised to take the matter up immediately with the Ministers concerned (Finance and Commerce) and give an answer at earliest moment possible.

[Paraphrase.] My impression is that Beaumarchais felt our arguments to be strong and that in the discussions with the Ministries of Finance and Commerce he would press them or at least support them. [End paraphrase.]

Beaumarchais said that if any such measure were to be adopted, commercial treaty negotiations should start at once. I replied that we were willing even before the first week of October (see Department’s 260, September 3, 7 [1] p.m., and my 331, September 3, 2 [1] p.m.), but that if French preferred to await that date we were prepared to initiate them at that time. Will the Department please confirm this so that it may be given to the Foreign Office in writing?

  1. Not printed.
  2. Delarüe Caron de Beaumarchais, Director General of Political and Commercial Affairs, French Ministry for Foreign Affairs.