The Chargé in Egypt (Johnson) to the
Secretary of State
Alexandria, July 20,
[Received August 27.]
No. 855
Sir: Complying with the instructions contained
in your telegram No. 17, of July 19, 5 p.m., to report briefly by
telegram and fully by
[Page 571]
regarding the complaint of the Vacuum Oil Company as to the storage, by
foreign importers, of petroleum products in barges in the port of
Alexandria, in disregard of the existing regulations, I this morning
telegraphed the Department and now have the honor to enclose copies of
the correspondence in this matter which I believe reveal all the facts
and show the steps taken to date.
It will be noted that the Legation first brought the matter to the
attention of the Foreign Office in a note dated June 8th, sent on the
eve of the departure of the Minister. The matter having been recalled to
my attention by the Vacuum Oil representative in Cairo I took occasion
to see the Minister for Foreign Affairs in person and to request some
action by the Ministry of the Interior on the unanswered note of the
Vacuum Oil Company of May 12th, as well as a reply to the Legation’s
note of June 8th.
Having been informed by the Vacuum Oil Company of a new instance
occurring of a barge being used to store oil in the harbor I wrote the
note of July 10th in which I referred to the interview I had had with
the Minister for Foreign Affairs on June 29th.
Upon receipt of the Department’s telegram this morning I ascertained from
the Vacuum Oil representative that nothing had yet been heard about the
matter. I am therefore arranging immediately for another interview, this
time with the Prime Minister himself, Adly Pasha Yaghen. I shall also
take occasion to discuss the matter informally with the Residency in
view of the joining in the original complaint, (see letter of May 12th),
of the British Company, the Asiatic Petroleum Company (Egypt) Ltd. As
the mail closes today I shall have to postpone to a later despatch a
report on the result of the interviews proposed.
I have [etc.]
[Enclosure 1]
Vacuum Oil Company, A. I.
Mantacheff & Company, and the Asiatic Petroleum
Company (Egypt) Ltd.
to the Egyptian Under Secretary
of State, Ministry of the Interior
Cairo, 12 May, 1925 [1926].
Excellency: A considerable time ago, we
protested to the Harbour authorities in Alexandria against small
importers of petroleum being allowed to store petroleum permanently
in boats in the harbour and to discharge their cargo into
tankwagons, tankcarts or other receptacles on the quay.
We pointed out that, whereas we spent large amounts of money in
providing proper storage tanks on shore and taking every possible
precaution against accidents, these small importers, who had little
[Page 572]
no experience in
petroleum, were permitted to store and handle petroleum in a way
that constituted a grave danger.
We are now writing to Your Excellency as one of the boats so used for
storing petroleum recently met with an accident in Alexandria
harbour and it was purely a matter of good fortune that the harbour
was not flooded with large quantities of inflammable kerosene which
might have ignited and caused enormous loss by fire to shipping in
the harbour and properties in the vicinity.
This method of storage has during recent years been permitted to
three different importers (two of which have since ceased to conduct
their business in that way). There is, however, another merchant in
Alexandria advertising the fact that he proposes to import a cargo
of kerosene in the very near future and store it in the same most
dangerous way.
In drawing Your Excellency’s attention to this, we beg to point out,
first, the unfairness caused to serious companies such as our own
who spend large sums of money in endeavoring to secure perfect
safety to the general public, while other companies are permitted to
ignore entirely public security, and, secondly, we must say that we
feel compelled, if this mode of handling petroleum is permitted to
continue, to state that we are seriously perturbed at the grave
danger of damage to our own property in Alexandria, and we must add
that if damage occurs to any of our property from this cause, we
shall feel compelled to hold the Government responsible.
We have [etc.]
For Vacuum Oil Company
For A. I. Mantacheff & Company
For The Asiatic Petroleum Company (Egypt) Ltd.
[Enclosure 2]
The American Minister (Howell) to the Egyptian Minister for Foreign Affairs
Cairo, June 8,
No. 356
Excellency: I have the honor to call Your
Excellency’s attention to a copy of a letter addressed to His
Excellency the Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of the Interior,
under date of May 12, 1926, and signed by representatives of the
Vacuum Oil Company, Mantacheff Company and the Asiatic Petroleum
Company (Egypt) Ltd., which is self explanatory.
I am informed by the representative of the Vacuum Oil Company, an
American corporation, that up to date no reply has been received to
the communication under reference.
After a very complete recitation of the facts in respect to the
matter contained in the enclosed letter, I have been led to the
conclusion that
[Page 573]
objections entertained by the various Oil Companies against these
floating barges of petroleum are well taken. It would appear that
these small importers of this product are carrying on not only in an
illegal manner but in a manner prejudicial, at the same time, to the
safety of these various Companies that are properly installed for
the transaction of their business in this product.
It is recited, among the complaints made in this matter, that but
recently a small importer has brought in petroleum supplies and is
storing them in a small barge in the harbor itself not far distant
from the installation of the Vacuum Oil Company.
It is confidently believed that to call Your Excellency’s attention
to this matter will be sufficient to cause such an investigation to
be made as will give satisfaction to these companies in
Please accept [etc.]
[Enclosure 3]
The American Chargé (Johnson) to the Egyptian Minister for Foreign Affairs
Bulkeley, [Ramleh,]
July 10, 1926.
No. 361
Excellency: I have the honor to recall to
Your Excellency’s attention the Legation’s Note No. 356, of June
8th, regarding a complaint made by the Vacuum Oil Company, an
American corporation, with reference to the illegal storage of oil
by small importers of petroleum in Alexandria harbor, to the
detriment of the Vacuum Oil Company and to the danger of the
It will be recalled that the matter was covered in a letter, dated
May 12, 1926, to the Ministry of the Interior from both the Vacuum
Oil Company, The Asiatic Petroleum Company (a British corporation)
and A. I. Mantacheff & Company, to which no reply has yet been
Your Excellency will also recall that, on Tuesday, June 29th, I had
the honor of referring to the matter in the course of my interview
with you.
I am now, however, in receipt of another letter from the Vacuum Oil
Company, dated the 7th instant,21 stating that they feel it necessary to advise me
further that one of the small importers of petroleum, previously
referred to, is making arrangements to bring still another barge of
about 800 tons capacity to Alexandria, to serve as a floating
storage tank, thus still further aggravating the prejudicial and
dangerous situation against which they are protesting.
In expressing the hope that Your Excellency may be able to give to
the complaint of these important foreign interests the attention it
undoubtedly deserves, I avail myself [etc.]