The Secretary of State to the Minister in Costa Rica (Davis)
Sir: By your despatch No. 790 of August 18, 1926 you reported that you considered it advisable to await a more opportune time to propose the negotiation of a treaty of friendship, commerce and consular rights with Costa Rica and stated the reasons on which that conclusion was based.
[Page 502]You also reported that you were of the opinion that the unfavorable conditions were temporary and that an opportune moment to present the matter to the Costa Rican Government would arrive at an early date.
By instruction No. 357 of October 26, 1926,7 the Department furnished you certain information which you had requested in despatch No. 790.
If the situation in Costa Rica has changed since August, 1926, so that you consider that the time is now favorable for the negotiation of a treaty of friendship, commerce and consular rights between the United States and Costa Rica the Department would be glad to have you take the matter up with the appropriate authorities pursuant to the instructions contained in its telegram No. 13 of July 12, 1926.
I am [etc.]
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