393.11/635: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in China (MacMurray)

207. Following from L. C. Gillespie and Sons, New York:

“May 3. We understand from the cable just received that certain American tonnage is available for bringing merchandise from Wanhsien and Ichang to Shanghai. Carriers request convoys but apparently are willing to proceed without convoys if necessary. United States River Admiral has advised the United States Commander-in-Chief against permitting any American steamer to proceed above Hankow. We understand that the Navy is already assisting the Standard Oil Company to remove their stocks above Hankow under convoy. We still have large stocks of wood oil at Wanhsien and Ichang and therefore respectfully request that you authorize permission be granted American steamers to proceed up river above Hankow to bring down such stocks under convoy and also to permit of business being carried on in the future in this manner while the present conditions exist. Would appreciate a reply so that we may advise our branch Hankow.”

Repeat to Admiral Williams for his consideration.
