893.00/8628: Telegram
The Consul at Chefoo (Webber) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 9, 1927—9:55 a.m.]
All American missions (Baptist and Presbyterian) in this district outside of Chefoo have either closed or transferred control for the time being to the Chinese. All American missionaries have now come to Chefoo where proper protective measures in case of emergency have been taken. No Americans left in interior. Total Americans in Chefoo, 24 men, 51 women, 46 children, grand total 121. All British subjects in this district have been instructed by consul here to withdraw to Chefoo or Weihaiwei by April 8th. At present Chefoo is quiet and there is no cause for anxiety. No antiforeign or anti-Christian feeling. However, feeling for the Nationalists growing stronger daily and any act by foreign powers against the Nationalists would probably incite masses here against [Page 287] the foreigners. Provincial authorities have assured me every protection will be given foreign life and property. Owing to dissension among themselves it is doubtful if they could handle situation if occasion demanded it. U. S. S. Preston in port.