The Chinese Minister (Sze) to the
Secretary of State
Washington, January 22,
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that I am
instructed by my Government to communicate to you for your information
and consideration a memorandum, which is herewith enclosed, embodying
the views of my Government with respect to the adherence by
non-signatory powers to the Nine-Power Treaty signed at Washington on
February 6, 1922.
Accept [etc.]
In connection with the oral exchange of views regarding the adherence
to the Nine-Power Treaty by non-signatory powers upon the invitation
of the American Government, it may be recalled that objection was
duly raised by the Chinese Government against the adherence by
Germany on the ground that Germany’s adherence was not contemplated
by the Treaty. Switzerland, Chile and Persia, besides Germany, which
stand[s] on the same footing as these three countries have concluded
treaties of equality and reciprocity with China. As to Bolivia, it
is provided in the treaty of friendship between China and Bolivia
that the treaty shall come into force after the exchange of
ratifications. Now the ratifications were exchanged on December 17,
1924, and the treaty therefore had not yet come into force at the
time of the Washington Conference. Its provisions can not possibly
have anything to do with the “treaty relations”. Peru is now
negotiating a new treaty with China, and need not be invited to
adhere standing as it does on the same footing with Mexico in this
The Chinese Government suggests that the invitations sent to the five
powers above mentioned, namely, Switzerland, Chile, Persia, Bolivia
and Peru, to adhere to the Nine-Power Treaty be recalled.
[Washington,] January 22, 1926.