The Minister in China (MacMurray) to the Secretary of State
Peking, September 3,
[Received October 20.]
No. 743
Sir: I have the honor to refer to my despatch
No. 508, of March 11, 1926, and to previous correspondence, regarding
the default on the Hukuang bond payment, and to my telegram No. 346, of
August 24th, 4 p.m., in which I quoted my note to the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs protesting against the issuance of the reported Silver
$25,000,000 domestic loan bonds. In this connection, I have the honor to
transmit herewith enclosed, for the Department’s information, a copy of
a joint note, dated September 1, 1926, signed by the Counselors of the
French and British Legations, in the absence of their respective
ministers, as well as by myself, to the Wai Chiao Pu, formally demanding
that after meeting the foreign and domestic charges now being served by
the Customs, that the just claims of the bondholders of the Hukuang
Railway Loan shall be met out of such Customs revenue, before any new
capital charge is placed upon that revenue.
I have [etc.]
The American, British, and
French Representatives to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Undersigned Representatives of France, Great Britain and United
States have the honour to remind the Wai Chiao Pu of the frequent
communications they have had occasion to address to the Ministry on
the subject of the default in the payment of the Hukuang Railway
Loan, and in view of reports that have been received to the effect
that the Ministry of Finance have been endeavouring to raise a new
internal loan secured on a certain portion of the Customs revenue
now being utilised for the service of one of the existing internal
loans due for final redemption by the end of the year 1927, formally
to demand that, if and when Customs revenue becomes available after
meeting the foreign and domestic charges now being served thereby,
the just claims of the bondholders of the Hukuang Railway loan shall
be met out of such Customs revenue before any new capital charge is
placed upon that revenue.
[Page 961]
A request in the same sense has already been addressed to the
Ministry of Communications direct by the Banking interests concerned
in a joint letter dated August 19.
En l’absence de M. le Ministre de France,
30 août 1926(in the absence of H. M.
Aug. 30,
1926J. V. A.
[Peking,] September 1,