500.A15/223: Telegram

The Minister in Czechoslovakia (Einstein) to the Secretary of State

13. Dr. Beneš believes that our insistence on having the Preparatory Commission for Disarmament determine its own procedure may prove [Page 80] most embarrassing to the League which has altogether separated the considerations of principles from the subsequent study of technical questions from [by?] its own advisory commissions. Yet he thought it not impossible in order to comply with our wishes that some new committee may be appointed.

I urged on him the desirability of avoiding future misunderstandings and clarifying as much as possible at the start instead of leaving controversial matters for subsequent consideration. He agreed fully and declared he would do his utmost to carry this out. In spite of his interest in the League he said he was opposed to those who were seeking to entice us into it by indirect means.

Telegram mailed to London, Paris and Berne.
