The Secretary of State to the Brazilian Ambassador (Do Amaral)
Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note No. 26 dated July 6, 1926, in which Your Excellency states, in the name and by order of your government, that in compliance with the suggestion made in the note dated June 30, 1926, of the Acting Secretary of State, the Federal Government of Brazil accepts the renewal without modification of the contract of the American Naval Mission to Brazil for a period of four years from the date of the expiration of the present contract on November 6, 1926, and that your government considers, as does this government, that this exchange of notes validly accomplishes the renewal of the contract in question.
On this occasion I wish to express to Your Excellency the appreciation of the Government of the United States for this additional manifestation of the sympathy and friendly spirit of co-operation that has so long existed between Brazil and the United States. It is indeed a source of gratification to know that the services of American Naval officers on duty in Brazil have been found satisfactory and helpful to the Brazilian Government.
Accept [etc.]