The Secretary of State to the Minister in Bolivia (Cottrell)
Sir: The Department has received and read with interest your strictly confidential despatch dated January 2, 1926,8 in which you inform the Department that the Bolivian Government has removed or suppressed the clause which had been inserted in certain decrees granting oil concessions and which discriminated against American interests.
The Department understands from your despatch that the clause in question no longer appears in existing concessions and that you have been informed that the Bolivian Government does not intend to insert such a clause in future concessions. It does not appear from your despatch, however, whether you were officially so informed. In view of the correspondence which you have had with the Bolivian Government with regard to this matter, the Department feels that it would be helpful to have official assurances that such a clause will not be inserted in concessions which may be granted in the future. If you see no objection, and if the assurances you received can not be called official assurances, the Department would be glad to have you seek discreetly such assurances from the Bolivian Government.
I am [etc.]
- Not printed.↩