723.2515/2261: Telegram

The Ambassador in Peru (Poindexter) to the Secretary of State


53. Your No. 46, May 5, 6 p.m. As soon as I could I saw President Leguía today and urged upon him acceptance in principle of proposal to divide the provinces. He seemed set on knowing beforehand what sort of division was proposed. I explained carefully to him that that would be matter for negotiation if opportunity were given by acceptance of the principle, and I pointed out that by his acceptance in principle the matter would be put up to Chile. He spoke of fear of revolution in Peru were the Government to agree to division of the provinces, and of weakness Government would display by changing its attitude. I said that nothing was more common in governments, and pointed out that he had announced publicly his willingness to give Bolivia access to sea. The President finally expressed his personal willingness to accept proposal in principle and to negotiate on its terms; he said, however, that consultation with the presidents of the two Houses of Congress would be necessary, and that tomorrow he would advise me further. …
