723.2515/1836: Telegram
The Minister in Uruguay (Grant-Smith) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 12—11:55 a.m.]
2. Interview by Argentine Minister for Foreign Affairs now visiting Montevideo appears in La Mañana this morning. Referring to press telegram from Washington of possible request for the participation of Argentine and Brazil in efforts to bring about settlement of Tacna-Arica arbitration, Dr. Gallardo83 stated that in such case the influence of his Government would be thrown on the side of the execution of the arbitral award or of broadening, the powers of the Arbitrator. He would deeply deplore a failure to reach a solution as a serious blow to the practice of arbitration.
Translation by pouch; repeated by mail to Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro.
- Dr. Angel Gallardo, Argentine Minister for Foreign Affairs.↩