Treaty Series No. 762
Procès-Verbal of the Deposit of Ratifications of the International Sanitary Convention by the United States of America
In accordance with the provisions of Article 170 of the International Sanitary Convention signed at Paris June 21, 1926, the Ambassador of the United States of America at Paris this day called at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the French Republic and deposited the instrument of ratifications by His Excellency the President of [Page 238] the Republic of the United States of America, of that International Act, the following reservations being made:
- 1.
- The ratification of this international sanitary convention is not to be construed to mean that the United States of America recognizes a regime or entity acting as government of a signatory or adhering power when that regime or entity is not recognized by the United States as the government of that power.
- 2.
- The participation of the United States of America in this international sanitary convention does not involve any contractual obligation on the part of the United States to a signatory or adhering power represented by a régime or entity which the United States does not recognize as representing the government of that power until it is represented by a government recognized by the United States.
- 3.
- The government of the United States of America reserves to itself the right to decide whether from the standpoint of the measures to be applied a foreign district is to be considered as infected and to decide what measures shall be applied to arrival in its own ports under special circumstances.
This instrument being, upon examination, found to be in good and due form, has been entrusted to the Government of the French Republic to be kept in its archives.
A certified copy of this procès-verbal shall be sent to the contracting Powers.
In witness whereof the undersigned have drawn up this procès-verbal and affixed their seals thereto.