891.01/27: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Persia (Amory)
Washington, November 5,
1925—6 p.m.
56. Your 81, November 5, 4 p.m.
- (1)
- You are authorized to deliver to Persian Government a communication stating that this Government accords recognition to the provisional regime inaugurated in Persia pursuant to the recent decision of the Persian National Assembly pending the final decision to be taken by the Constituent Assembly. You should add that this recognition is accorded on the understanding that all international agreements between the United States and Persia will be scrupulously observed by the new regime.
- (2)
- [Paraphrase.] The form “recognition of the provisional regime” seems at once more exact and more in keeping with the general policy of the United States than the form “provisional recognition” used by British. … [End paraphrase.]
- (3)
- Persian Chargé today inquired of Department whether you had been authorized to call on the Chief of State. Department sees no objection to such action if you consider it desirable. At that time you could impress upon Reza Khan that the United States desires to maintain with the new provisional regime in Persia relations of cordial understanding.
Having determined upon the action outlined above the Department leaves it to your discretion to take such further action of a ceremonial or other character as may be necessary in view of the recognition accorded the provisional regime.