839.51/2389: Telegram
The Commissioner in the Dominican Republic (Welles) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 18—1:27 a.m.]
3. Your January 12, 6 p.m. I do not consider that the bond issue for which authorization is requested by the Provisional Government can have any prejudicial effect upon the political situation. The proceeds of the issue, except for the amount required by fulfillment of the Light and Power Company’s contract (should that contract be carried out), are destined for the completion of the Government’s road construction program, of which the entire Republic is now enthusiastically in favor. Should the bond issue not be authorized, the construction of the projected highways—essential to the [Page 645] development of the country—cannot be continued and a strong reaction in public opinion would undoubtedly result.
The Dominican people in general are so heartily in favor of road construction by the Government that the nacionalista elements will not be able to oppose any governmental measure necessary to continue this work. I therefore recommend that the Department’s authorization to the bond issue be granted.