706.6193/9: Telegram
The Chargé in China (Bell) to the Secretary of State
Peking, August 18,
1924—3 p.m.
[Received August 18—11:35 a.m.]
[Received August 18—11:35 a.m.]
292. Your 191, August 10 [11], 3 p.m.
- 1.
- Italy, Spain, and Great Britain having also agreed to draft note, it was today decided at a meeting of representatives of protocol powers to despatch it in original form with such verbal changes [as] were made necessary by Dr. Schurman’s departure and signature of note by Japanese Minister (not Italian Minister as previously reported).
- 2.
- Alterations suggested in your 191, paragraph three, were also made.
- 3.
- I sounded colleagues on suggestion made in your 183, August 6, 2 p.m.; found them all opposed and therefore dropped it.
- 4.
- With regard to suggestion in your 191, paragraph 2, it [apparent omission] that other representatives were unwilling to accept it without telegraphing to their governments to inquire whether the latter also wished similar reservation made on their behalf. Other representatives felt also that as far as they were concerned such reservation was of doubtful value. I therefore agreed in order to avoid delay and meet Department’s wishes, [apparent omission] this statement in separate note referring to the other note and send them both to Karakhan at the same time. Notes will be delivered to Karakhan this afternoon and copies given to the press and to the Chinese Foreign Office for information.
- 5.
- Persistent reports which I cannot yet confirm are reaching me from reliable sources that prior to Karakhan’s conference with Schurman he had exchanged notes with Koo definitely giving up Russia’s extraterritorial rights, which of course would mean that Russia could no longer consider herself a protocol power.