511.1 C 1/7
The Acting Secretary of
State to the Minister in Switzerland (Gibson)
Washington, August 5,
No. 41
Sir: I enclose, for transmission in the usual
informal manner, a communication to the Secretary General of the League
of Nations in reply to a Note, dated June 10, 1924, concerning a plan
for the issuance of certificates of identity to Armenian refugees in
order that they might establish their identity and travel freely in
pursuit of their normal occupations.
In transmitting this Note you should request the appropriate authorities
of the League of Nations to inform you when the text of this
communication will be released to the press. This information should be
cabled to the Department in order that a simultaneous release may be
effected here.
I am [etc.]
For the Acting Secretary of State:
Leland Harrison
The Acting Secretary of
State to the Secretary General of the League of
Nations (Drummond)
The Acting Secretary of State of the United States of America has
received the communication of the Secretary General of the League of
Nations, dated June 10, 1924, transmitting a plan for the issue of
certificates of identity to Armenian refugees in order that they may
establish their identity and travel freely in pursuance of their
normal occupations.
The American Government is not in a position to issue travel
documents to aliens. It does not require certificates of identity of
aliens sojourning within its territory or of those desiring to
depart therefrom. For entry into the United States alien immigrants
are required to present an immigration visa issued by the
appropriate American Consul. The American Consuls will accept from
aliens unable to present passports in connection with their
applications for immigration visas appropriate documents of identity
in lieu of passports. The Nansen certificates issued to Russian
refugees have been considered to fall within the category of
documents in lieu of passports. Similarly, non immigrant aliens are
granted passport visas upon personal affidavits or other documents
in lieu of passports when they are unable to present passports.
Aliens resident in the United
[Page 88]
States who desire to depart temporarily, may obtain from the
Commissioner General of Immigration, Washington, D. C, permits to
return valid for six months, capable of further extension in the
discretion of the Commissioner General of Immigration.
Washington, August 5,