The Secretary of State to the Colombian Minister (Olaya)
Sir: I have the honor to send you herewith English and Spanish original copies of the Proces Verbal of the meeting between you and the Panaman Minister held in my office today.69 I likewise take pleasure in enclosing herewith a certified copy of a note dated May 8, 1924, from the Panaman Minister70 in which he informs me that the Government of Panama accepts as the boundary between Colombia and Panama the following, which you will note is the [Page 292] boundary provided in Article III of the Treaty between the United States and Colombia signed April 6, 1914:
“From Cape Tiburón to the headwaters of the Rio de la Miel and following the mountain chain by the ridge of Gandi to the Sierra de Chugargún and that of Mali going down by the ridges of Nigue to the heights of Aspave and from thence to a point on the Pacific half way between Cocalito and La Ardita.”
The note from the Panaman Minister adds that in consequence of the acceptance of this boundary Señor Nicolas Victoria J. who will be appointed Panaman Minister to Colombia will have specific instructions to conclude as soon as may be agreeable to the Government of Colombia a special boundary convention fixing the boundary as above provided.
This Government is not only mindful of its engagement under Article III of the Treaty between the United States and Colombia signed at Bogotá April 6, 1914, but will also be prepared to contribute to the final solution of the boundary question through the ratification by the Congress of Panama of the boundary convention provided for in the note from the Panaman Minister enclosed herewith.
It affords me great pleasure to transmit to you the two documents above mentioned embodying the agreement of the Government of Panama on the boundary between the Republics of Colombia and Panama as well as the latter Government’s engagement to despatch a duly accredited agent to negotiate and conclude with the Government of Colombia a treaty of peace and friendship with a view to bring about the establishment of regular diplomatic relations between the two countries and the adjustment of all questions of pecuniary liability.
Accept [etc.]