
The Ambassador in Argentina (Riddle)57 to the Secretary of State

Sir: This afternoon the Minister for Foreign Affairs sent word he would like to call on me at 4.30 and on his arrival at that hour he handed me a short document in Spanish—a copy and translation of which are herewith enclosed. This memorandum constitutes a summing up of the communications exchanged between the governments [Page 283] of Bolivia and Paraguay relative to the disputed question of the limitation of their frontiers and indicates a disposition on the part of both governments to submit the question to the arbitration of the United States.

The Foreign Minister in handing me this paper said that the President of Paraguay requested me to forward it to my government at Washington.

I have [etc.]

J. W. Riddle

Draft of an Agreement between Paraguay and Bolivia

  • Article 1. The Governments of Paraguay and Bolivia, not having been able to reach a direct agreement in former negotiations, agree to ask the Government of the United States of America to act as arbiter in the arbitration of right (arbitrage de derecho) to which they must submit their boundary dispute according to the protocol of April 5, 1913,59 still in force.
  • Article 2. If before the arbitration is commenced any intervening circumstance should permit a new direct negotiation between the parties, they may request the mediation of the designated arbiter in the negotiations which would be initiated in Washington by the respective representatives duly empowered for this purpose.
  • Article 3. The present agreement confirms the abrogation of all boundary treaties formerly concluded. Until the arbitral award is made the status quo of the Agreement of January 12, 190760 now in force by virtue of the extensions stipulated in the later protocols, shall alone continue in force.
  • Article 4. A special protocol will establish the remaining conditions and formalities tending to facilitate the early and effective execution of the arbitration agreement.
  1. Temporarily at Asunción.
  2. File translation revised.
  3. Foreign Relations, 1915, p. 33.
  4. Ibid., 1907, vol. i, p. 87.