The British Chargé (Chilton) to the Secretary of State
Sir: With reference to the note which you were so good as to address to me on the 19th ultimo regarding the contemplated flight around the world of five American aeroplanes, I have the honour to state that, according to a communication which I have received from His Excellency the Governor-General of Canada, the Canadian Government has no objection to the projected visit of Lieutenant Clayton Bissell over the proposed route of this flight through British Columbia from Victoria to Prince Rupert.
Lord Byng of Vimy has also requested me to state, for the information of the appropriate United States authorities, that officers of the Royal Canadian Air Force who have flown between Victoria and Prince Rupert, and who may be able to advise and assist Lieutenant Bissell, are stationed at the Royal Canadian Air Flight Station, Vancouver, British Columbia. Lord Byng adds that the Officer Commanding that Station has been instructed to render every possible assistance to Lieutenant Bissell.
I have [etc.]