711.672/152: Telegram
The Special Mission at Lausanne to the Secretary of State
[Received 7:54 a.m.]
578. Referring to telegram 273 of August 1 [July 31] from the Department. The arrangement on claims appended below is the best we could get after prolonged dispute between the experts and between Ismet and myself. A new element was introduced by the Turks into the formula contained in Mission’s 573 of July 30. Under alleged instructions from their Government the Turkish delegation proposed that the formula should contain a statement that it is understood by Turkey that the nationals, companies, and associations alluded to are those which enjoy incontestably either Turkish or American nationality. In the end they were persuaded to accept the modifications indicated in Department’s 273. But they accepted it under the proviso that we reach an understanding on contested nationality, and they rejected the word “entitled”. Finally, they proposed, as if making a great concession, that their reservation be embodied in the procès-verbal of a formal meeting, and the experts have tonight drafted a formula on this basis but without any engagements on either side, and it is being submitted by telegraph to the Turkish Government. It is evident that the Turkish Government [Page 1135] believes that something of the sort is necessary; to us it seems innocuous, though open to obvious objections. A statement by Ismet will read as follows:6
“From the point of view of the Turkish delegation this article implies no obligation on the part of the Turkish Government to receive for registration claims presented by the Government of the United States on behalf of persons who under Turkish law are deemed to be Turkish citizens.”
My reply will read as follows:7
“I take note of Your Excellency’s declaration and I have to say that this declaration does not prejudice the rights of American citizens under the laws of the United States.”
Each of us will then observe that his Government adheres to its position.
There seems to be no prospect that by prolonging the negotiations we can get better terms in the matter of claims and we solicit the Department’s instructions.