767.68119/157: Telegram
The Special Mission at Lansanne to the Secretary of State
[Received November 19—6:39 p.m.]
1. Curzon and Mussolini engaged in preliminary conversation with Poincaré after his arrival late today. Preparatory arrangements usually made by secretariat have been omitted, and delegates will enter conference tomorrow without particular knowledge of situation. Even those delegates of the inviting powers who were not admitted to secret conversations in Paris are imperfectly informed.
Request that Department will indicate how far it will go in leaving to our discretion to engage in preliminary and informal discussions with Turkish delegates tending toward basis for treaty after recognition of Angora. Further overtures may be expected to follow upon first conversation as reported from Rome. Advances could be met sympathetically but without committing our Government; and Turks might be influenced to moderate demands on other powers and to be favorably disposed toward American interests if they see prospect of mutual profit.