767.68119/696: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Special Mission at Lausanne
249. With reference to the Mission’s 543 of July 19, since the United States is not a party to the treaties and has no part, therefore, in the disposition to be made of them by deposit or otherwise, and since the “final act” is in form a protocol describing the proceedings which have resulted in the treaties between Turkey and the Allies and providing for what shall be done with those instruments, it does not seem fitting that the final act should be signed by the delegate of the United States. The Department’s response to the original invitation defined for you a special position at the conference, [Page 1040] which should also be borne in mind. In order that your failure to sign may not be misconstrued you may refer informally to the fact that the United States is not a party to the treaties, the disposition of which is provided for in the protocol. You should, however, communicate with the Department immediately if there seem to you special reasons why you should sign.