867.602/100: Telegram
The Special Mission at Lausanne to the Secretary of State
[Received 11:30 p.m.]
511. Our telegram 510 today. I have received the following information regarding a private meeting this morning of the three chief Allied delegates. Rumbold stated that he was willing to drop the second article of the protocol on concessions in case compensation should be given to Vickers-Armstrong Company in some form. He did not indicate that he was greatly interested in the protection of the Turkish Petroleum Company, seeming to feel that this was a subject which would be covered by the allocation of Mosul to Iraq. On the other hand Pellé firmly supported the second article on the ground that he had failed to gain compensation for the alleged former concession for a Samsoun-Sivas railroad. This afternoon, therefore, the three allies will present a solid front to Ismet when the meeting opens.
Ismet and I were together until late last night and also today until the last moment before the meeting this afternoon. In order to hold him to his position I took an even stronger stand than before. I have made clear to the Allied delegates in my conversation with them that any such provisions as are contained in the second article have my unalterable opposition.
Now apparently the Allies are viewing their concessions from the point of view of separate business concerns. A solution may therefore be arrived at by giving such companies appropriate compensation. There are good prospects for a successful outcome of our fight.