611.5231/290: Telegram
The Ambassador in Spain (Moore) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 18—12:17 a.m.]
100. I have received tonight the following note23 from the Foreign Office signed by the President of the Military Directory:
“With reference to our recent conversations concerning the future regime which is to regulate commercial relations between Spain and the United States, I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that I have no objection to agreeing to your proposals and that I am hence willing to agree that the Commercial Arrangement of August 1, 1906, existing between the two countries and which expires on November 5th of the present year, shall be prorogued for a period of six months counting from such date, or, in other words, until May 5, 1924, without, however, such prorogation signifying in any case whatsoever the application, during the course of the six months of its duration, of any commercial change or advantage which may be established in Treaties between Spam and other nations and which may be enforced after the afore-mentioned date.
Hence I consider that the present agreement will be concluded and the aforesaid prorogation consequently agreed upon by the exchange of this note with such note as Your Excellency may address to me expressing your conformity therewith.”
Please telegraph the text of my answer as soon as possible.