
The Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Agent and Consul General at Tangier (Denning)

No. 271

Sir: The Department has received your despatch No. 169 of September 14, 1923, with reference to the consumption taxes imposed on certain commodities, enclosing a copy of a letter from the French Resident-General in Morocco11 requesting that you adopt the necessary measures to make applicable to the American ressortissants in the French Zone of Morocco the increases of the internal consumption taxes upon tea, coffee and pepper, in accordance with a “Dahir” dated January 8, 1923, promulgated by the Shereefian Government. In this despatch you desire to be informed whether any reference should be made to the absence of such a request in regard to the original “Dahir” of December 12, 1915, or whether the reply should be limited to the formal consent of the United States Government to the application of the taxes set out in the “Dahir” of January 8, 1923, it being considered that the present solicitation made by the French Resident-General is equivalent to a satisfactory compliance with the treaty principles involved.

It is not thought advisable to refer to the original “Dahir” but there would seem to be no objection to the consent of this Government being given to the payment of the taxes referred to in the “Dahir” of January 8, 1923, with the understanding that the collection of these taxes from their ressortissants is agreed to by the other capitulatory powers and that the consent of this Government is given with the usual reservation of consular jurisdiction over cases involving the collection of these taxes wherein any American citizen is concerned.

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If the other powers give their consent you may make the “Dahir” effective with respect to American ressortissants as of the date of your communication of this Government’s consent.

I am [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
Leland Harrison
  1. Not printed.