815.00/2574: Telegram

The Minister in Honduras (Morales) to the Secretary of State

46. The President requested Arias, Bonilla and Colindres to confer with him yesterday afternoon for the purpose of arriving at a solution whereby the Liberal Party would only be represented by one candidate to oppose Carias. The President showed them a letter from the Honduranean Minister at Washington stating that the Secretary of State and Under Secretary were of the opinion that one candidate was sufficient from each party also implying that the Department would not countenance a revolutionary movement.7 The President and candidates could not agree upon a proper solution but it was decided that the best way would be to have the three candidates decide which one should represent the party.

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The President sent for me last evening and requested that I use my good offices with Arias and Bonilla to have them withdraw in favor of Colindres. He stated that he would guarantee that if Colindres was accepted by the other two that no other candidate would be permitted to enter the campaign, alluding to Zuniga Huete. He further stated that it would be impossible to prevent a revolution if the present situation continued and that it would only be avoided by my intervention with Arias and Bonilla. He said that the latter two had nothing whatever against Colindres and he was certain that they would accept him if I interceded. I informed him that I could not interfere in the manner suggested but that I would gladly submit his proposition to the Department for consideration. He stated that he would also telegraph to Doctor Cordova and instruct him to inform the Department of this possible solution.

For the Department’s information I can state that my personal relations with four candidates are of the best and I have maintained that friendship by not permitting myself to be drawn into their politics.

I am of the opinion that the only solution for maintaining peace is to have one candidate from each party with the Government’s guarantee for free elections. It may be that the other two candidates would not agree upon Colindres but may be persuaded to accept Jacinto Mesa as the representative of the Liberal Party. Mesa would be acceptable to the President, Arias and Colindres and if pressure were brought to bear upon Bonilla he would also accept.

  1. See telegram no. 21, May 15, to the Minister in Honduras, p. 430.