438.00/215: Telegram
The Chargé in Haiti (Dunn) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 1—11:10 a.m.]
18. Department’s 18, January 30, 6 p.m. The President [sent] for me this morning and asked the view of the Department as to the presidency of the Claims Commission. I informed him that it was my opinion that Department would consider the American member as preferable. He then stated that he would not be favorable to such a procedure and that he considered it highly desirable each member of the commission being president for periods of one month. He asked me to request Mr. Stanley to agree to his plan of rotation.
Mr. Stanley states that in his opinion the American member must have the controlling voice in the proceeding[s] of the commission to insure adjudication of the claims within the time limit provided by [Page 399] the protocol. If otherwise constituted he believes that the efficiency and standing of the commission would be materially impaired. Mr. Stanley is of the opinion that his views as expressed above reflect the wishes of the Department. Financial Adviser concurs in Mr. Stanley’s views and believes that rotation plan would prolong the work and be needlessly expensive to the Haitian Government.
As the matter now stands the members of the Commission are unable to agree upon a president.