462.00 R 294/216: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Herrick)
203. For Wadsworth. W–41. This is in reply to your W–49, May 22, 4 p.m.
I am much surprised at the belated suggestion regarding parliamentary approval. According to my understanding the Finance Ministers Agreement of March, 1922,20 was not submitted to the respective Parliaments; but if you find it necessary there is no objection to your signing agreement with the understanding that it is subject to the constitutional requirements of the signatories.
You are requested to report immediately whether the Department is correct in understanding that the Allies have decided to omit the second paragraph of article 6. You are authorized to sign on this assumption.
- For text of agreement, see Great Britain, Cmd. 1616, Reparation (1922).↩