393.1123 Coltman, Charles/7: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in China (Schurman)

297. Your 502, December 22, 3 p.m., and Department’s No. 294, December 20, 6 p.m.

You will doubtless wish to consider the possibility that shots were fired by members of the party which Sokobin from his position of observation misunderstood to be shots from the Chinese soldiers. If you have found or shall find no reason to doubt that the plea of self-defense was not justified by the fact of firing by any member of the party, you may advise the Foreign Office that this Government [Page 714] fully supports your previous statement to the Minister that no investigation can alter the issues raised, and that prompt satisfaction is essential.

It is feared that the reply of the Chinese Government indicates an intention to treat the matter frivolously and evasively. Should the Government fail to deal with the case energetically and promptly, without quibbling but with manifest sincerity, you may indicate that this Government regards the matter as a test of the degree of confidence which may be placed by it in the Government of China. Should the Government fail of a proper spirit in dealing with this matter, it would have a definite bearing upon the attitude of this Government with regard to the various pending questions, notably the remission of the balance of the Boxer Indemnity, the bill for which has passed the Senate and is now before the House. An early indication of the attitude of the Chinese Government is therefore desirable in order that the Department may determine its attitude in this matter and others.
