393.1123 Lincheng/156: Telegram
The Minister in China (Schurman) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 14—1:15 p.m.]
222. Your 107, June 12, 2 p.m. has been discussed with General Connor and military attachés in conference here today. In explanation of my 212, June 10, 10 a.m., I pointed out in my despatch of May 2997 that as I had already informed the Department, the outrage at Lincheng, which has deeply stirred the foreign communities here, is but one manifestation of underlying chaotic conditions liable to produce similar phenomena of greater extent and much more serious and fatal results at any time. I also stated in the despatch that the transfer of troops recommended could not, of course, be regarded seriously as a reenforcement but should be considered to be a gesture to the Chinese in reply to the Lincheng outrage, which they will probably interpret as an intimation by the United States that treaty rights must be observed and that such outrages will not be allowed to continue.
From the above you will observe that the proposed enlargement of the force was not thought of as a mere gesture but as a precautionary measure to safeguard American interests.
To be sure, we do not now have a situation actually putting American interests in jeopardy in a manner to necessitate any addition to our force at Tientsin, but with conditions here so exceedingly unstable [Page 658] such a menace might arise at any time with such suddenness that when it occurred there would not be time to secure more troops. As existing conditions are apt to last a long while it would be of little use to send these troops unless they are to stay for some time.
General Connor and the military attachés concur in the above.
This morning I conferred with my British, French and Japanese colleagues regarding their views with respect to increasing their forces at Tientsin. They all said that they thought there was bound to be a war between the Chihli and Fengtien troops. The suggestion was made by the Japanese Chargé that the railway as far as Shanhaikwan should be kept free of belligerents. The British Minister is considering requesting his Government to bring the British force up to its pre-war strength. I received no intimation from the French and Japanese representatives that they had such intentions.
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