The Department of State to the Italian Embassy
The Government of the United States has given careful and attentive consideration to the proposal contained in the Memorandum, dated April 9, 1923,80 of His Excellency the Royal Italian Ambassador, projecting a strictly technical International Conference to exchange and clarify views on questions touching immigration, such as transportation of emigrants; hygiene and sanitary services, and assistance to emigrants at the port of embarkation, to immigrants upon their landing and to the emigrated on the part of private institutions.
In connection with any discussion of matters relating to immigration, in which representatives of this Government might participate, it has already been indicated that there would be necessarily certain limitations of such participation. The reception of Immigrants within the United States is regarded wholly as a domestic matter, and the exclusive authority of Congress must be recognized. Consequently, when participating in a conference of the proposed nature, certain restrictions, obviously, would be incumbent upon any American delegates.
The Government of the United States, with due regard to these limitations, will nevertheless be happy to have its representatives attend the conference as projected and to participate so far as practicable in a discussion of the technical problems presented.
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