
The Secretary of State to the British Chargé (Chilton)

Sir: With reference to your notes No. 209 of March 14, 1923, and No. 721 of August 25, 1923, on the subject of an embargo on the export of arms and munitions of war to China, I have the honor to inform you that this Government approves of the terms of the embargo as formulated by the Diplomatic Body in Peking on October 3, 1922, and forwarded by the members of that Body, with the exception of the Netherlands and Norwegian Ministers, to their respective governments for consideration. This formula embodies the amended draft resolution proposed at the Washington Conference, [Page 614] supplemented by the interpretative note, as quoted by you in your note No. 209 above mentioned.

This Government has informed the American Minister at Peking of its approval of the terms of this embargo, and of its readiness to give formal assent thereto, provided that substantial unanimity of action can be had among the several governments represented at Peking. With this end in view, and in accordance with the request contained in your note No. 721 of August 25, 1923, above mentioned, appropriate instructions recommending the adoption of the terms of the embargo, with interpretative note, are being sent to the American representatives in the capitals of the Powers participating in the embargo of 1919 which have not yet signified their approval of the formula under consideration. Similar instructions are also being sent to the representatives to Norway, Sweden, and Peru, which Powers, although represented at Peking, are understood not to have participated in the embargo of 1919.

Accept [etc.]

Charles E. Hughes