893.51/4445: Telegram
The Minister in China (Schurman) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 11—12:23 p.m.]
396. My 393, December 10, 11 a.m. At meeting of the diplomatic body today it was decided that they should reply as a whole to Foreign Office memorandum since the five powers mentioned therein were not acting as individuals but jointly on behalf of all powers represented in China. Dean was accordingly authorized to address to Foreign Office following note which will be sent this afternoon.
“My colleagues desire me to inform Your Excellency in answer to your inquiry addressed to a certain number of them that the report of the landing troops in Canton is as yet unfounded but that the powers who dispose of war vessels in Chinese waters have, in conformity with the unanimous opinion of the diplomatic body, despatched war vessels to Canton with a view to prevent the threatened seizure of customs funds which would endanger the security for the indemnity of 1901 and for the loans concluded previous to that year.”