American interest in the exploitation of petroleum in Siam

Engagement of an American Geologist by the Government of Siam—American Representations Upholding the Principle of the Open Door in Siam

[851] The Minister in Siam (Hunt) to the Secretary of State


[852] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Siam (Williams)

892.6363/5: Telegram

[853] The Chargé in Siam (Williams) to the Secretary of State


[854] The Chargé in Siam (Willliams) to the Secretary of State


[855] The Chargé in Siam (Williams) to the Secretary of State

892.6363/9: Telegram

[856] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Siam (Williams)

892.6363/9: Telegram