The Minister in Ecuador (Hartman) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 7.]
Sir: Referring to the Department’s telegram No. 21, of November 16, 2 p.m., relating to the decision of the President of Ecuador to distribute 66 percent of the three sucre tax on cacao exports equally amongst the three groups of claimants, the group having the largest claim being American creditors, without any provision for an extension of the period of levying the tax beyond December 31, 1925, to cover American claims then remaining unpaid, I have the honor to report as follows:—
I certainly consider the decision unfair to American claims, and accordingly, in compliance with instructions, I addressed my note [Page 901] No. 446, of November 18, 1921, to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, three copies of which I herewith enclose.43
Upon receipt of the Minister’s answer, I will promptly inform the Department of its contents.
I have [etc]
- Enclosures not found in Department files.↩